11 Keys To Lifelong Romance Every Day : Part 2

By Jim Sniechowski

Keeping love and romance alive is pretty simple, really. All it takes is both giving and receiving.  A little bit of attention will reap a great deal of affection.

This is the continuation of 11 Keys to Lifelong (and everyday) Romance, Part 1. Below are keys 7-11 to keeping your love and romance alive.

7. ADVENTURE: stretching the boundaries of what is known and familiar such as travel, cultural events, exploring what they can learn from one another, anything that breaks up their routine.

** We travel outside the country at least once a year and inside the country as often as possible.
** We learn from each other's interests and skills (Judith appreciates
nature because of Jim's passion for the mountains and clouds and stars. Jim is an experimental cook because of Judith's comfort in the kitchen, etc.).

8. CONFLICT: responding to the inevitable clash of differences by understanding that change is at hand and that they need to understand one another more deeply. That way their love deepens both between the two of them and in their individual capacity to expand beyond self-centered need and demand..

Even after almost fifteen years together we still clash from time-to-time. We know there's always something for both of us to learn when it happens. And we know that each time we end up feeling closer and more in love -- because we've once again gone through the dark underbelly into the light and we are trustworthy allies through it all.

9. ADMIRATION: frequently voicing praise and respect for specific talents, accomplishments, skills, and personality traits. Paying compliments often. We compliment one another's writing, cooking, humor, interpersonal skills, appearance, kissing, you name it. And we do it a lot. Why be stingy with the one you love!?

10. APPRECIATION: saying thank you for almost anything. Making sure to never take one another for granted. A sincere "thank you" is another undiscovered aphrodisiac

We thank each other for washing the dishes, taking out the trash, going to the recycling center, picking up a gift for a party and for all the times we really treasure the kindness and/or compassion of the other.

11. RECEIVE: We've all heard it said that it is better to give than receive. Well imagine a world in which everyone is giving and no one is receiving. Does that sound like fun?

Remember all those times you gave someone a compliment and they brushed it off. How did you feel? Not so good, right? Because giving is only one-half of the experience.

Now remember those times when you gave a gift and someone received it wholeheartedly. How did you feel? Need we say more? After all, no one can feel loved if they aren't consciously receiving what is given to them.

It's All in the Connection,
Judith & Jim

About the Author:

Judith Sherven, PhD and Jim Sniechowski, PhD work together to share with other couples the strategies they’ve discovered for keeping love and romance alive for a lifetime. To claim their secrets, go to http://www.makingtheordinaryextraordinary.com

 Article Source: www.iSnare.com

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