Five Top Dating Tips


Picture this, you are returning to the Dating Game after a while away. Perhaps you have just taken time out to concentrate on yourself, or maybe you have just come out of a relationship.

Dating is like riding a bike, you never really forget, you just need reminding every now and again.

Here you will find the top five dating tips. Let’s hope they help you!

Prepare Yourself

Take the time to work out what you are after from a relationship, or if you want a relationship at all. Maybe you are just after some fun, it doesn't matter. Decide who you want, the type of person you would like to date and stick with it. Don't just settle for the first person that comes along.

You know what you are looking for in life, and if he doesn't fit in, or you have to compromise yourself to make him fit in, it’s not going to work. Prepare yourself for any let downs you may experience, you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince (or princess!)

Think About Your Goals

Again, this follows from point number one. Work out how you see yourself in ten or fifteen years time. Do you want to be a housewife or a career girl? Do you want children? Do you want to see the world or settle down with the nice home? Maybe you want it all? Whatever it is, work it out first. If you don't want kids and your potential partner does, you're going to have problems! Work out where you want to be, and don't compromise yourself!

Get Your Act Together

If you don't like your hair cut, get it re-styled. If you don't like the way you look, join a gym or go shopping and buy new clothes. If you aren't happy with yourself, how do you expect anyone else to be happy with you? Change what you don't like, or deal with it. Only you can change yourself.

Enjoy Yourself

Don't be too pressured into pleasing your date. Enjoy yourself and let your hair did. Enjoy the experience of going to new places and meeting new people. Don't think about it as dating, think of it as socializing and the whole process will seem much less daunting. If you don't have the fun, it will show and your date won't enjoy the experience either.

Take Time Out

If it’s not working, and you keep having disastrous dates, take time out every once in a while to regain composure and work out what is going wrong. Maybe you are going after the wrong men, in the wrong places, or maybe you just aren't comfortable with it all. Take a step back and work it all out from an outsiders point of view.

If you chill out and spend more time enjoying yourself than pressurizing yourself, you'll find the Dating Game much easier to play. Work out your own program, set your own rules, and play around a bit. Try new things, different people, you never know what you may find!

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