Boost Your Confidence, Enjoy Your Date!


If you are just out of a relationship, you may find the idea of dating a little scary. Maybe you don’t have the confidence to go back out there and find a new partner, or have fun with many.

Perhaps you’ve had children and have one too many hang-up’s with your body? Either way, I am going to give you a few tips to improve your confidence and hopefully improve your dating life!

First of all, if you are that unhappy with your weight, shape, size of your body, do something about it. Go to the gym, go running, swimming, whatever you enjoy. Do it with someone so they can praise you and make you feel good about yourself.

Go to the beauty salon and get a new haircut or have your nails done. If you think you look good, you are more likely to feel good.

Secondly, don’t concentrate on your flaws, think of them as the things that make you unique from everybody else. So what if you have a saggy bum, or cellulite on your thighs, you may have lovely, full breasts, or huge, stunning eyes.

Look at your good features and accentuate them. If you like them, chances are that someone else will like them too. Same applies to men.

You may not be happy with your slight beer belly, but if you have lovely muscles in your arms or legs. Think about them instead.

Clothes can make an enormous difference to the way you feel about yourself. If you love your boobs, buy a sexy bra and buy a top that shows a little bit of cleavage. You don’t have to go overboard and flash everything, but a little hint of something adds a bit of mystery to you and will leave your date wanting more!

We all know that when we think we look sexy, we feel sexy, so wear your best underwear, even if your just running to the shops to get some milk or bread. So what if no-one is going to see it, you know it’s there and if it makes you feel good about yourself, what’s the harm?

If you don’t normally wear make-up, go out and buy yourself a new lipstick. It doesn’t have to be bright red, it could be a subtle nude color, but the fact that you know you are wearing it, will make you feel miles better!

The last piece of advice I can give you is to stand up straight! Slouching not only gives you a bad back, but it also means you’ll get overlooked. Imagine if you were looking down at the ground and that gorgeous guy or girl walks straight past you without seeing your gorgeous eyes or sexy smile.

That could have been your “Number One” and you just let them walk right on by!

Just remember, you call the shots with a date. You have the choice of whether or not you want to see them again, and if you’ve made that much of a first impression, knowing they want you but can’t quite have you yet, is the sexiest feeling alive!

So, make yourself feel good. Look gorgeous, and watch them come after you!!

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