Should You Give Up A Long Distance Relationship?


One of the reasons that a romantic relationship develops between a man and a woman is that they like and enjoy each other’s company and they feel lonely when they are apart.

So, they continue seeing each other and liking turns into loving.

At this point of their relationship being apart is already very difficult as they are already used to having each other in almost all of their activities.

So, what should lovers do if one of them has to leave for a long period of time?

What if the other partner is a student who has to undergo training overseas, a member of the Armed Forces stationed in a war torn country, or an executive who has to prove his or her capability by managing a company branch office thousands of miles away?

A long distance relationship is one of the true tests of the stability of a romantic relationship. Couples usually make plans to maintain the long distance relationship.

But for how long? When does one give up a long distance relationship? It’s time to give up if one or both parties:

1. Do not want to put up with the extra effort and expense needed to maintain the relationship

2. Can not reach an agreement or ground rules for the relationship

3. Have no set plans to see each other

4. Can not stand the loneliness, worries, jealousy and temptation to get another partner.

5. Have broken what is stated in the agreed ground rules, if any

It takes real commitment to maintain a long distance relationship. If there are signs that it is doomed to fail, don’t prolong the suffering. Give it up.

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